
Gustafson and Luhman win FFBC

By Tim Davidson Jul 23, 2023 | 6:04 AM

Bryan Gustafson and his partner Mike Luhman led all three days at the Fort Frances Canadian Bass Championship and are this years big winner.

Gustafson and Luhman pulled in another 20 pound bag on day three and fined with a weight of 61.19 pounds.

They won the first place prize money of $15,000.

Motei Demers and Ian Waterer placed second almost a pound and a half back at 59.72.

They were in second place all three days, and were last years winners.

Their take was $7,500 for three days work.

Third place went to past winners Jeff Gustafson and John Peterson.

They claimed a cheque for $5,000.

They moved up from sixth on the first day and fourth the second day.

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