
Former Nishnawbe Aski Police Service chief suing board

By CJ Goater Feb 6, 2025 | 12:21 PM

(File Photo/Acadia Broadcasting)

A former chief of the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service (NAPS) is suing the service’s board of directors.

Roland Morrison was suspended from the service last March for misconduct allegations before being fired in November.

NAPS’ board has released a statement in response:

“The NAPS Board of Directors can advise that it recently terminated, for cause, the employment of former chief of police Roland Morrison. The Board arrived at the decision to terminate Mr. Morrison after very careful consideration, following a full and detailed investigation.”

“The NAPS Board can further advise that it is in receipt of a Statement of Claim initiated by lawyers for Mr. Morrison. The NAPS Board will be serving and filing a full defence to the claims made by Mr. Morrison. As this matter is before the courts, the NAPS Board will not be providing further comment”

Morrison is seeking $2,506,750 from the case.

NAPS serves 34 First Nations in the Nishnawbe Aski Nation Territory.

Their officers are spread across an area that equals two-thirds of the province of Ontario, from the Manitoba border up the James Bay Coast over to the Quebec border.