Hundreds of residents will take a step towards reconciliation at the Kenora Chiefs Advisory’s Youth and Family Wellness Camp today, as we celebrate the region’s heritage on National Indigenous Peoples Day.
A number of events will be taking place throughout today after a sunrise ceremony and traditional opening set for 10 a.m.
Activities include art and colouring stations, an Indigenous craft/vendor sale, rock painting, an obstacle course, beach volleyball, an Anishinaabamowin Family Scavenger Hunt, stable visits with the horses, TeePee teachings, food trucks, Ojibwe Spirit Pony teachings, Pride crafts and dancing demonstrations.
Live music will begin at 12 p.m. with Lance Kejick-Echum. Malcolm Roulette takes the stage at 12:30 p.m., with Summer Jade at 1 p.m. and Shadow Junction by 1:30 p.m.
Officers with the Kenora OPP and Treaty Three Police Service will be hosting a barbecue lunch at 12 p.m.
From 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., a bannock-making competition is offering residents a $500 top prize, with $300 and $150 prizes for second and third place. Fried and baked bannock is welcome and judging begins at 2 p.m.
The day’s events are expected to wrap up by 4 p.m.
This is the second year of KCA’s events at their Youth and Family Wellness Camp, but there is a change residents should be aware of compared to last year.
Guests are being asked to park at the Lake of the Woods Speedway, where a free shuttle service will offer rides to KCA’s camp property every 15 minutes, as no parking will be available on-site.
National Indigenous Peoples Day celebrates the culture and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit and Métis Indigenous peoples of Canada, and encourages Canadians to take a step forward on the path toward reconciliation.
It takes place every June 21 after being announced by Governor General Romeo LeBlanc in 1996 after 14 years of lobbying by the National Indian Brotherhood, now known as the Assembly of First Nations.
The day was initially named National Aboriginal Day, which was later renamed in 2017 under Stephen Harper after another 12 years of lobbying from the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.
June is also recognized as National Indigenous History Month across Canada.