
Health Unit board seeks meeting with health minister

By Randy Thoms Jul 4, 2023 | 12:10 PM

The Northwestern Health Unit Board of Health wants an audience with Health Minister Sylvia Jones.

It hopes to have that meeting at next month’s Association of Ontario Municipalities conference.

Fort Frances councillor and Health Unit board member Wendy Brunetta says they want to discuss the change in the municipal share in programming costs.

In 2021, the municipal share increased from 25 % to 30 %.

“The truth is a lot of the programs that they used to pay 100% for are now being rolled into that split. So, it’s way more than a 5% increase,” says Brunetta.

There is also concern that mitigation funding to help municipalities is coming to an end.

“Without that funding, we will continue to be the poorest public health unit and the poorest health outcomes of any other public health unit in the province. In addition, without the funding, the Health Unit will be forced to increase its municipal levy next year, which will significantly impact our local taxation rates,” says Brunetta.

This is the first time the health unit has applied for a delegation at A-M-O.

The board is also reaching out to the municipalities within the catchment area to apply for delegation to the Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to discuss this issue.