
Timing Of MPAC Reassessments Still Up In The Air

By Staff Jan 13, 2023 | 12:59 PM

The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation says it still doesn’t know when it will be able to reassess properties across Ontario.

Steven DeRocco from MPAC says they are ready to go anytime the province is.

“It is tricky from our end because we do prepare for it…we prepare for multiple valuation dates,” DeRocco told Kenora city council during a presentation this week.

“We have two modellers/statisticians in Thunder Bay, who are constantly drawing up models based on (housing) sales.”

DeRocco says they are using data that goes back to January 1st, 2016 and are hoping the new assessment can begin soon.

“It thought they might have announced it back in the fall, in the Fall Economic Statement.  Sort of waiting for it there.  Still waiting for the Ministry of Finance and the government to announce when that’s going to be.  We have no clue.”

The most recent reassessment in 2020 was cancelled because of COVID.