More outflow changes are coming down from the Lake of the Woods Control Board as staff continue to monitor water levels in the district after the recent snowfall.
With a strong hit of snow and warm weather in the forecast, staff are expecting the snow to melt quickly and raise water levels in the area – and outflow increases are being scheduled to balance things out.
The LWCB says Lake of the Woods is in its 50th percentile for this time of the year, after rising by 5 inches over the past week. With the snowfall, its expected to rise another 5 to 6 inches over the next week, with outflows scheduled for today and Monday.
Staff expect these outflow increases to raise levels along the Winnipeg River by the Norman Dam by 5 inches and 3 inches above the Dalles, and the Minaki area isn’t expected to be affected.
Elsewhere, levels on English River are expected to remain at below-normal and Lac Seul is only expected to rise by 2 to 3 inches over the next week, with an outflow increase taking place today.
The City of Kenora has made sandbags and sand available free of charge at the Fire Hall on Barsky’s Hill and the Operations Centre respectively, in the event of any localized flooding on your property.
Historic rainfall and flooding was seen across northwestern Ontario in 2022 after record amounts of snowfall that winter, and municipalities in the northwest have worked to better prepare themselves and the community for these kind of emergency situations.
According to Environment Canada, northwestern Ontario saw 312 per cent more precipitation in April and May of 2022 compared to 2021, which was the driest year on record since 1938.
The city received $1.3 million under Ontario’s Municipal Disaster Recovery Assistance Program to help pay for the costs of last year’s damage, which included numerous docks and roadways, and the city’s insurance is expected to cover a majority of the remainder.
Once things melt, Kenora is asking residents to report any flooding or rising water levels by sending an email to [email protected], or by calling City Hall at 807-467-2000 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.