
Grand Council Treaty #3 declares nation-wide state of emergency

By Chloe Hannan Jun 17, 2024 | 8:21 AM

Kevin Simmons / CC

A mental health and addictions state of emergency has been declared across the Treaty #3 territory.

The declaration escalates the nation-wide mental health and substance use crisis, determined by resolution CA-23-23 passed at the 2023 Fall Assembly.

Issues with addiction and mental health have been an ongoing problem in the Anishinaabe Nation. The situation partly stems from the failures of Canada and the province to fulfill their mutual aid responsibilities under Treaty #3 to ensure the well-being of the Anishinaabe Nation of Treaty #3.

The collective effort also involves coordinating with multiple agencies to ensure a seamless and effective response.

Grand Council Treaty #3 is dedicated to keeping a supportive environment for all its members, particularly the youth. Community leaders and health services are now working diligently to implement these resolutions and will continue to provide updates on the progress of these vital initiatives.