Approval rating of Canada's premiers as of June 2024. Image: Angus Reid Institute

Manitoba premier maintains highest approval rating

By Brad Perry Jun 26, 2024 | 12:12 PM

Manitoba’s newest premier continues to have the highest approval ratings among Canadian leaders.

That is according to the latest quarterly survey conducted by the non-profit Angus Reid Institute.

NDP Premier Wab Kinew has approval from 66 per cent of Manitoba residents, up three percentage points.

Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Andrew Furey came in second with 55 per cent support, an eight-point bump.

That was followed by Saskatchewan’s Scott Moe at 49 per cent (down four points), Alberta’s Danielle Smith at 45 per cent (down two points), and Nova Scotia’s Tim Houston at 44 per cent (unchanged).

B.C. Premier David Eby is sixth at 43 per cent (down five points) while Quebec’s François Legault is seventh at 36 per cent (up four points).

Tied for last are New Brunswick’s Blaine Higgs and Ontario’s Doug Ford at 31 per cent. Higgs’ approval rating was unchanged from three months earlier, while Ford saw a three-point drop.

Moe, Eby, and Higgs will likely be keeping a close eye on the results with elections in their provinces expected to take place this year.