
Lots of rain means water levels continue to increase

By Tim Davidson Jul 4, 2024 | 6:41 AM

Norman Dam June 2022 (Adam Riley / Acadia Broadcasting)

Inflows into Lake of the Woods and the Winnipeg River system continue to increase.

In fact, the Lake of the Woods Control board says in the month of June alone, the Rainy and Namakan Lakes, which flow into Lake of the Woods, received the highest amount of rain in the past 30 years.

Also earlier this week, some areas received anywhere from 40 to 75 millimeters of rain.

As result, lake levels continue to increase.

They are expected to go up anywhere from 5 to 9 centimeters over the next week, after going up 7 centimeters in the past week.

The Control Board says outflow from the Norman Dam can’t be increased anymore because all the sluice gates have been fully opened.

Water levels on Lake of the Woods have actually increased over two and a half feet since the beginning of May but are still a couple of feet below the high-water mark recorded in 2022.