After focusing on the U.S. tariffs for much of the provincial election campaign’s first week, PC leader Doug Ford made transportation-related announcements in Pickering.
He says a temporary cut in gasoline taxes will be made permanent upon returning to office.
He also plans to ban toll roads on provincial highways.
“Tolls are absolutely horrible. They hit hard-working families the most,” says Ford.
“Tolls are nothing more than a tax on drivers trying to get home or to a job. They’re nothing more than a tax on workers earning a paycheck. My friends, the era of road tolls on provincial roads and highways, they’re done. They’re over.”
NDP leader Marit Stiles spoke in Toronto about her strategy to deal with homelessness.
She says her strategy aims to end the creation of encampments, which she calls the new normal and a reminder of how the Ford government has failed to make life affordable.
“The Ontario NDP will end encampments by supporting people and helping them find a home to live in,” says Stiles.
“We will support municipalities with their shelter and community housing costs. We’ll also undo the damage that was done when Liberals and Conservatives downloaded housing to cities.”
Stiles also plans to implement protections for renters and increase social assistance.
Liberal leader Bonnie Crombie was in Hamilton, where she promised to double Ontario Disability Support Payments if elected Premier.
“For us, it’s the people in our community who need us who are the most vulnerable,” says Crombie.
“I made some commitments even during my leadership race that I want to honour today because they’re the right thing to do for people in our community who aren’t being serviced as they should be.”
Crombie says the increase will be over two years.
The provincial election takes place on February 27th.