
Women’s hockey continues to lobby for improved ice times

By Tim Davidson Sep 11, 2024 | 1:05 PM

The women’s hockey league in Kenora wants city council to review the ice allocation policy.

A deputation was made to city council Tuesday raising concerns about the poor times available for women’s hockey this year.

Chrystie Savage the junior hockey program has been given better ice time than women’s hockey and that’s not right.

“If, as stated by the city, to the women’s teams over the past 30 years, there is no extra ice time, how did a new men’s hockey team, non-property taxpayers, receive primetime ice, before the women’s leagues,” Savage stated in her deputation to city council.

Savage suggests women’s hockey is getting the short end of the stick.

“A non-resident hockey club is receiving 48 hours of prime ice time.  90 resident women have been offered 48 hours of non-prime time…should be a red flag for council.”

A member of city council is expected to raise a notice of motion at next week’s open to review the city’s ice allocation policy, which was passed earlier this year.