
Lots of rain means water levels continue to go up

By Tim Davidson Jun 20, 2024 | 11:07 AM

Norman Dam June 2022 (Adam Riley / Acadia Broadcasting)

Two more increases in outflow have been approved at the Norman Dam.

That because the Lake of the Woods Control Board says the drainage basin has received significant rainfall this past week.

Some area received as much as 100 millimeters, while other areas, like Kenora reported about 30 millimeters.

One of the outflows is taking place today, and the other is scheduled for Monday.

Each outflow increase will be raising water levels on the Winnipeg River by 30 centimeters below the Norman Dam, 22 centimeters at the Dalles and 20 centimeters at Minaki.

Overall, the lake has gone up 6 centimeters this past week and is expected to rise another 5 to 8 centimeters in the coming days.