
Community Foundation grant deadline approaches

By Ken O'Neil Sep 7, 2022 | 5:01 AM

Community Foundation Executive Director Tara Douglas

The deadline is quickly approaching for the Kenora and Lake of the Woods Regional Community Foundation Needs Fall Granting.

The Community Foundation considers grant applications for projects that fall under the categories of Arts and Culture, Health and Wellness, the Environment, Animal Welfare, Social Welfare, and the community at large to invest in the future of the community. Each registered charity or non-profit organization sponsored by a charity is eligible for one grant per calendar year.

Registered charities and non-profit organizations sponsored by a registered charity must apply before Friday, September 16, 2022.

Groups and organizations are urged to apply at www.klwcf.ca under the granting tab.

“This is a very exciting time of year for us here at KLWCF and also a full circle moment,” said Executive Director, Tara Douglas.

“We strive to strengthen our communities within our catchment area through grant making every year. However, if it wasn’t for our amazing and generous donors, we wouldn’t have this opportunity to help our communities flourish for years to come,” Douglas added.

Since 2004, the Kenora and Lake of the Woods Regional Community Foundation has put over $4 million dollars back in the community in the form of grants for numerous community projects.