A partnership between the Regional Food Distribution Association and Newmont Musselwhite will see almost a quarter of a million dollars go towards supporting the organization.
Executive Director Volker Kromm says the money, some $225,000 will be coming over a period of 5 years with a mixture of infrastructure and training.
“Its our capacity to be able to handle more food, do more training, our focus is going to be a lot on capturing and repurposing food as well as training and reeducating.”
Some of the money will be going to finishing off a meat room and the creation of a teaching kitchen to provide virtual classes to the region on cooking at the Thunder Bay facility.
Potentially there is hope it will help them establish a satellite facility.
“Right now we’re looking at Ignace so we can go up Highway 599 to Pickle Lake so these are the kinds of decisions that are going to be made amongst the group, the network of food banks and feeding programs, and really being led by First Nations.”
In a statement General Manager of the Newmont Musselwhite Mine, Mark Kiessling, says the RFDA’s mission aligns with the company’s purpose to create value and improve lives through sustainable and responsible mining.”
“Newmont Musselwhite Mine is pleased to once again partner with the Regional Food Distribution Association to expand their current facilities. Our current five-year commitment to this project ensures that Regional Food Distribution Association can increase its capacity to distribute healthy food to those most in need.”
Previously the company donated $35,000 for a fresh food processing room at the Thunder Bay site, which increased its ability to distribute healthy food.