
Results of Community Safety survey released

By Tim Davidson Jun 20, 2024 | 6:46 AM

Some good news and bad news coming out of a Community Safety and Well-being survey.

The results were revealed to Kenora City council on Tuesday.

Christiane Sadeler is helping put together Kenora’s Community Safety Plan says one thing that is encouraging is the number of people that took part, with more than one thousand responses.

There were also over 200 people that identified themselves as Indigenous, which Sadeler says is an impressive response.

One the downside, a significant number of people felt there were not welcome in the community based on their ethnicity, being Indigenous, or being from Manitoba.

She adds there are other concerning responses.

While people feel safe in their home, their neighborhoods or car there are areas of the city they don’t feel safe in, including the downtown, parks and the mall.

She says responses were pretty much the same for daytime and nighttime.

They also felt crime has increased in the past three years and is higher than the rest of Ontario.