Queen's Park media room screen shot, December 5, 2023

Liberals naming election candidates early

By Randy Thoms Jun 20, 2024 | 1:39 PM

The provincial Liberal party has begun nominating candidates for the next provincial election.

Long-time Ottawa MPP John Fraser will be the first.

His nomination is scheduled to take place tonight.

The Liberals say further nominations will take place throughout the summer and into the fall.

Premier Ford’s decision to advance expanded beer and wine sales one year earlier is fueling speculation of an election as early as next spring.

“We will be ready to fight for the people of Ontario against Doug Ford’s rich friends and insiders, whenever the Conservatives choose to call the next election,” says Bonnie Crombie, Ontario Liberal Party Leader.

I don’t think the people of Ontario will reward Doug Ford for a snap election call, and we will be ready to present a clear choice and a vision for Ontario that’s about putting people first—not wealthy Conservative insiders.”

Crombie has indicated plans to visit northwestern Ontario this summer.

No dates have yet been announced for that trip.