
Province continues to crack down on vehicle thefts

By Tim Davidson Nov 4, 2024 | 10:23 AM

The provincial government has introduced legislation to crack down further on auto theft.

Transportation minister Prabmeet Sarkaria they are making illegal to remove Vehicle Identification Numbers.

“One of the ways we can do this is by addressing the surge in fraudulent Vehicle Identification Numbers, known as VIN transactions,” Sarkaria told a news conference.

“These cases often involve a person stealing a VIN from a legitimate vehicle and passing it off on a stolen vehicle.”

Sarkaria says this is just the latest measure to reduce the number of stolen vehicles in Ontario.

“That is why I’m proud to say our government is tabling new legislation that would, if passed, would create a new provincial offense for knowingly providing a false Vehicle Identification Number when registering or transferring a car.”

The province says measures they already have reduced automobile theft by 15 percent and suggests the new legislation will increase that number even further.